Get up to 10% in HealthReturns
Clicks is South Africa’s leading health, beauty, home, and wellness retailer with more than 900 stores. As a Multiply Engage and Clicks ClubCard member, you can enjoy up to 10% in savings on qualifying products.
See how you can save
Your discounts or cashbacks will depend on your status
Upgrade to Multiply Engage Plus to enjoy this benefit.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
R 1000 voucher
4% Off
Multiply level 2
R 40 Saved
Private Club
How does it work?
How do I get it?
You need to belong to Momentum Multiply and Clicks ClubCard to qualify and you need to activate the benefit to earn cashbacks.
- To activate the benefit:
- Log into and navigate to the Clicks activation page.
- Enter your Clicks ClubCard number and click Activate Now.
- Your details will be verified and successful activation will be confirmed.
Using the benefit
Using the benefit:
- To get cashbacks, simply swipe your Clicks ClubCard (or make use of your Clicks app) before you pay.
- Your cashbacks are paid into your Multiply Money savings wallet within 7 days.
- View your cashbacks statement here.
- This benefit is available to main members and partners on Multiply Premier.
- You will also automatically get double Clicks ClubCard points on your purchases. This will be calculated and paid on all qualifying spend every two months: Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov.
- Cashbacks will be awarded based on your Multiply status.
- Multiply reserves the right at any time to exempt certain products from earning cashbacks at its discretion.
- Cashbacks can only be earned for purchases made at Clicks stores and not at any of their affiliated partners.
- At Clicks, items excluded from earning cashbacks include, but are not limited to, as prohibited by legislation:
- prescription medicine and pharmaceutical goods
- plastic bags
- redemption of vouchers or benefit cards or gift cards or loyalty cards
- baby or nutritional formula
- baby bottles and baby teethers
Standard Clicks Ts & Cs apply.
Click here for Multiply Ts & Cs.
Premier discounts
You get cashbacks on the first R2 200 that you spend per month at Clicks, as a family and single member. This is your combined spend limit for our health and beauty partners.
All statuses will get double Clicks ClubCard points, up to the maximum allowed.
Example: If you are on Private Club status and spend R2 200 a month at Clicks, you will get R220 in cashbacks & double Clicks ClubCard points.