Get up to 25% in savings
Earn up to 25% in savings when you buy Cycle Lab vouchers and get all your cycling needs under one roof.
See how you can save
Your discounts or cashbacks will depend on your status
You get 5% off
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
R 1000 voucher
12.5% Off
Multiply level 2
R 125.0 Saved
Private Club
How does it work?
How do I get it?
Log in to the Multiply online shop
Using the benefit
Benefit rules:
- Payment must be made with one of the payment types available on the shop
- Your purchases are subject to a R33 000 annual spend limit per family, or R22 000 annual spend limit for a single member on Premier level.
- Annual spend limit rules will be applied to the gross value (before discount) of goods purchased.
- Delivery Fees are to be determined by the weight of the product/s purchased.
- If you choose the discount, your payment due will reflect the discounted amount.
- If you choose cashbacks, you will pay the full amount.
- If you choose cashbacks, your cashbacks will be transferred into your Multiply Money savings wallet within 24 hours.
- Your available savings (discount/cashbacks) in any calendar year from January to December will always depend on your Multiply status.
- Once you have reached this limit, the savings (discount/cashbacks) applied will be the same as Multiply Starter members
Standard online shop terms and conditions apply