Meet your weekly target to get a treat

We all know consistency is key when it comes to living a healthy life. Weekly Wins rewards Multiply Premier members for consistent physical activity. Achieve your weekly activity target using your device and get a treat!

If you are a Multiply Starter member upgrade to Premier now to be in it to win it!

Weekly Wins partners

Start earning Weekly Wins

Link your fitness tracking device to your profile

Only the Active Dayz™ you earn by walking 10 000 steps and burning 300 calories will be counted towards Weekly Wins. Elite events and Parkruns will also count towards Weekly Wins.

Sync your device to track your Weekly Wins

Sync your device at least once a week (by Sunday) on your FitVault app, or device manufacturer app (Samsung health, Garmin Connect, etc.).

Choose your treat from our Weekly Wins partners

Once you have achieved a weekly win, you can choose a treat from one of our Weekly Wins partners. Please note, treats are valid for only 14 days from the date of issue.

Monthly Wins – challenge accepted!

You work hard towards your fitness goals. Why not get rewarded for it? Monthly Wins rewards Multiply Premier members for consistent physical activity.

So, if you’re looking for a challenge, get four consecutive Weekly Wins and score a Monthly Win for a supersized treat.


Monthly win treats

Choose a R125 partner voucher

Get R100 into your HealthSaver account

This option is available if you’ve achieved at least a Level 3 fitness assessment result and uploaded proof that you’ve been vaccinated against Covid-19.

Track your activities

Use a Multiply-approved activity tracking device linked to your profile. Get discounts or cashbacks when you buy one from the Multiply online shop.

Don’t have a device? Track your activities in the following ways:

  • You can use Strava with most smartphones, which you can link on the Multiply app or website.
  • For Huawei phones, link your Huawei Health app on the Multiply app or website.
  • For Apple phones, link your HealthKit App on the FitVault app.
  • For Samsung phones, link your Samsung Health App on the FitVault app.

Get your Monthly Wins

Earn your Weekly Wins

Earn Active Dayz™ by walking 10 000 steps and burning 300 calories. Elite events and Parkruns will also count towards Weekly Wins.

Sync to track your Weekly Wins

Sync at least once a week (by Sunday) on your FitVault app, device manufacturer app (Samsung Health, Garmin Connect, etc) or free app like Strava.

Get a Monthly Win and choose your treat

Once you have achieved your four consecutive Weekly Wins, you get a Monthly Win. Choose a R125 voucher from one of our Weekly Wins partners or get R100 into your HealthSaver.